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Another year has come and gone. With the beginning of 2017 comes the opportunity to make New Year’s Resolutions. This year, you can shoot for the usual goals (get in shape, eat vegetables, etc) or you can take a leap and resolve to accomplish something you’ve always dreamed of. We asked teachers for some tips and tricks to setting and keeping goals, and received some incredible advice. Check them out below.

Advice from Teachers on Setting and Meeting Goals

A New Year Means New Opportunities…


“The past school year is your past and today you start over with a new slate, which is wiped clean. Today, we start setting goals for your academic classes.  By setting these goals and meeting them in 2017. It is one step closer to being a successful employee in the workforce or a successful college student.” – Tammy Young, exceptional student services


 So set goals you really want to achieve,

“Why wait to make a BUCKET LIST when you are old ?? Make your DREAM LIST now and post it all over your house. Make sure you are spending your time and money on at least your top THREE dreams.”
– Lee Russell, math instructor


And believe you can accomplish hard things

“Although the environment you live in may not be the best and may tell you that you are not worthy of being a success, I am here to tell you that you have the power to be as successful as you want to be. Never let others dictate who you are destined to become!”
– Donald Mitchell, assistant principal



Start by outlining your life plans. What do you want to do once you graduate?


“None of us know what will unfold. However, we can plan.  Learn to think critically about every decision you make. Outline a plan—attend college if you can, even if you are going into business for yourself. College has the environment to teach you the adult skills of critical thinking and the people you meet there will impact you for the rest of your life!”
– Steve Forrett, English instructor



Then seek advice and help from friends, mentors and counselors.

“There is always someone who has the ability to help you. You only have to take the time to stop and look for it.”
– Graciela Herrera, Spanish instructor



Just remember: You know what’s best for you

“Don’t let others make decisions for you. While it is wise to listen to others in regards to advice, you should only do what will make you a better person.”
– Graciela Herrera, Spanish instructor



Once you make a plan, start right away.

“Don’t hesitate at the beginning, get started right away!  It’s much less stressful to keep up than trying to catch up later.” Royce Gough, social studies instructor


When times get tough, persevere…


“So many times, life deals all of us challenges and rough blows. Regardless of your present circumstances remember — YOU have the ability to change your destiny. Never give up! Set goals one day at a time, one moment at a time.”
– Steve Forrett, English instructor


And forget about you for a moment; serve others.

“It is easy to get caught up in the daily grind of work, but when you take the time to help someone unfortunate, the world seems whole again.”
– Lee Russell, math instructor


Remind yourself that you are in control.


  “…(You) always have a choice on who you get to be and how you get to react to situations. Even though you might find yourselves in tough situations that you didn’t consciously choose or create, you can still choose their reaction. You can choose not to take things personally, to find the lessons in difficulties, to focus on the positive, and to always be kind.”
– Jessica Lefler, math instructor

Reward yourself with each small accomplishment.

“Know your weaknesses and turn them into rewards. If you like to surf YouTube videos or be with friends, then reward yourself with these websites AFTER you complete your daily goals, but not until then.” – Brie Benjamin-Baker, science instructor


Above all, follow these words of wisdom:

"Believe in yourself, always do your best, never give up, inspire others" - Ramesh Joshi, Primavera instructor.



    • Do you have tips for accomplishing goals? Share with us in the comments below!


  • Samantha Morano says:

    Don’t let anyone else tell you what you are and aren’t capable of, always believe in yourself. Don’t let anyone stand in the way of accomplishing your goals because it is never too late.

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